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Vehicle Graphic Custom

Brand Better: Custom Graphics for Business Vehicles and Trucks

Branding is critical for any business looking to truly propel growth and increase sales. For companies of any size who want to raise their brand awareness and get more clients, custom graphics for business vehicles and trucks are an effective way to get results. Investing in a vehicle wrap is a way of turning an existing asset into a marketing tool, one that will provide valuable impressions and results when done correctly.

Today’s business landscape is a challenging one and companies are constantly looking for ways to boost their image while cutting back on costs. Traditional marketing methods can be costly and difficult to implement. If you want to make your business a known name in the area, custom graphics for business trucks and vehicles are the perfect way to make it happen.

Business Fleet Custom GraphicBranding with benefit

Turn the vehicles in your fleet into a rolling billboard and you’ll be able to get significant return:

Increase awareness and create buzz. How many times have you been sitting at a red light or driving around and noticed a vehicle wrap? It happens more often than you may even realize and that’s because custom wraps tend to stand out in a way other marketing doesn’t. It’s getting harder and harder to capture the attention of potential customers, but vehicle wraps are still so unique that people can’t help but notice them.

Create conversations around your wraps and watch your brand recognition grow. This turns into sales, especially when people wind up needing your particular service or product and your brand is top of mind.

Use a cost-effective marketing tactic. For less than $1.37 a day you can get between 30,000-70,000 impressions a day with custom vehicle graphics. For that price, there’s no other marketing channel that can get that kind of exposure.

Not convinced? Does Vehicle Wrap Advertising Work? may help!

Business Van Vehicle WrapGet noticed with the right design

If you’re thinking a custom graphic may be the way to go for your business vehicles, there are a few things to keep in mind as you decide on a design. These tips will help you maximize the value of your investment and ensure you get all the branding power you can out of your wrap.

Be consistent. One of the most important rules of marketing is to be consistent in how you present your brand on every platform and that includes vehicle graphics. If you stick to the same colors, fonts and style that you use on all your marketing materials people will begin to recognize your brand, which is exactly what you want. If your colors are green and black, don’t switch to orange and green because it seems to stand out more. You can create an eye-catching look without sacrificing your brand.

Use your logo. Your business wrap should tell people who your company is – and that includes your logo! Logos are the most recognizable piece of any business and you want to take the opportunity to create brand recognition by including it with every impression. While you don’t need to have it covering every inch of your vehicle, consider the many angles the wrap will be seeing it from. It may make sense to include a logo on the back and another on the side to ensure people are seeing it no matter where their viewpoint is.

Get them to act. At the end of the day, all of the marketing your business does has a single underlying purpose: to drive more sales. Not all marketing efforts directly result in sales and it’s common for branding to be the primary reason behind a particular campaign. With vehicle wraps however you have the chance to get people to take action that could directly result in more revenue.

Here are some examples of Calls to Action (CTAs) you could use:

  • Mention you saw this car and save 20%!
  • Call today for a FREE estimate
  • Let us cater your next event: 908-284-1700

These CTAs will give potential customers a reason to reach out and help you directly track your return on investment from the custom graphic.

If you’re ready to get designing, take a look at our How to Design a Stand Out Vehicle Wrap to get some more tips to keep in mind as you start laying out your wrap.

Box Truck Vehicle Wrap

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